Monday Fundays | Grace Community Church - CityView Church Alvin

Mar 28, 2021

Welcome to Monday Fundays at Grace Community Church, located in the heart of Alvin. Our dedicated team of faith-driven individuals invites you to experience a day filled with laughter, learning, and spiritual growth. As a leading church in the Community and Society - Faith and Beliefs category, we are committed to fostering a sense of belonging and connection among our community members.

Engaging Activities for a Joyful Monday

At Grace Community Church, we believe that spiritual growth can be enriching, exciting, and, above all, enjoyable. Our Monday Fundays program offers a diverse range of activities designed to cater to individuals of all ages, interests, and backgrounds. Whether you are a long-time member of our congregation or a newcomer to our community, you are sure to find something that sparks joy and ignites your passion for faith.

Worship Services

Start your Monday on a positive note by joining our uplifting worship services. Our dedicated team of leaders and musicians creates an atmosphere of worship that will fill your soul with joy and gratitude. Experience the power of communal prayer, inspirational sermons, and soul-stirring music as we come together to honor and praise our Creator.

Life Enrichment Classes

Expand your knowledge and embrace personal growth through our life enrichment classes. These classes cover a wide range of topics, including spiritual development, relationships, personal finance, and more. Led by experienced facilitators, our classes provide a supportive environment for individuals to learn, share their insights, and gain valuable skills for their journey of faith.

Community Outreach Projects

At Grace Community Church, we believe in serving our community and making a positive impact in the lives of those around us. Monday Fundays provides an opportunity to engage in various community outreach projects, including volunteering at local shelters, organizing food drives, and participating in initiatives aimed at reducing poverty and homelessness. Join us in spreading love, compassion, and hope to those in need.

Strengthening Your Spiritual Journey

Monday Fundays at Grace Community Church is not just about having fun - it's also about deepening your connection with God and strengthening your spiritual journey. Our engaging activities are carefully designed to help you explore and embrace your faith in a meaningful way. Whether you're a seasoned believer or just beginning to discover your spiritual path, our church provides a nurturing environment for personal growth and transformation.

Bible Studies and Small Groups

Connect with like-minded individuals who are on a similar spiritual journey through our Bible studies and small groups. These intimate gatherings provide a space for open discussions, mutual support, and the opportunity to delve deeper into the teachings of the Bible. Share your thoughts, gain new insights, and build lasting relationships with fellow believers as you seek to grow in your faith.

Prayer Gatherings

Experience the transformative power of prayer through our Monday prayer gatherings. Join our community as we come together in unity and offer heartfelt prayers for our city, country, and world. These gatherings provide a sacred space to seek spiritual guidance, find solace, and experience the comfort of knowing that you are not alone on your spiritual journey. Allow the power of collective prayer to uplift your spirits and renew your faith.

Spiritual Retreats

Escape the noise and busyness of daily life by attending our spiritually refreshing retreats. These purposeful getaways offer an opportunity to disconnect from the demands of everyday routine and reconnect with your faith in a serene setting. Immerse yourself in prayer, contemplation, and fellowship as you gain clarity, find renewed inspiration, and deepen your relationship with God.

Join Us for Monday Fundays at Grace Community Church

Whether you're seeking to strengthen your faith, connect with like-minded individuals, or embark on a meaningful journey of personal growth, Monday Fundays at Grace Community Church is the perfect place for you. Our welcoming community, engaging activities, and uplifting services provide a space where you can nourish your soul, find encouragement, and experience the joy of belonging.

Discover the joy of Monday Fundays at Grace Community Church in Alvin. Join us each Monday for a day filled with fun, faith, and community. Explore our engaging activities and services aimed at strengthening your spiritual journey. Connect with like-minded individuals in the Community and Society - Faith and Beliefs category. We are excited to welcome you into our community.

  • Worship Services: Experience uplifting worship and soul-stirring music.
  • Life Enrichment Classes: Expand your knowledge and embrace personal growth.
  • Community Outreach Projects: Make a positive difference in the lives of others.
  • Bible Studies and Small Groups: Connect with like-minded individuals on a similar spiritual journey.
  • Prayer Gatherings: Seek solace, strength, and guidance through the power of prayer.
  • Spiritual Retreats: Find tranquility and renewal in a peaceful retreat setting.

Join us for Monday Fundays at Grace Community Church and embark on a transformative journey of faith. Experience the love, support, and spiritual growth that our vibrant community offers. Start your week with intention, purpose, and joy.

Kyle Colby
I went to Monday Fundays at Grace Community Church last week and it was amazing! The team there really knows how to create a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone. From games and activities to meaningful discussions, it's a great way to connect with others in the community and grow spiritually. Can't wait for the next one!
Nov 11, 2023
Chris Mang
Looks like Monday Fundays at Grace Community Church are 👌🎉
Oct 5, 2023