Lucas 10:1-12,17

Feb 9, 2021


Welcome to CityView Church Alvin, where we dive into the profound and enlightening verses of Lucas 10:1-12,17. As a community rooted in faith and beliefs, we are dedicated to exploring the timeless teachings of the Bible and deriving practical wisdom from them.

Unveiling the Insights

In this section, we will explore the key lessons found in Lucas 10:1-12,17, analyzing its profound implications and discovering the underlying messages it holds.

1. Spreading the Message of Peace

Lucas 10:1-12,17 emphasizes the importance of spreading the message of peace. It highlights the task given to the disciples to reach out to different towns and share the teachings of Jesus. This passage encourages believers to actively participate in spreading the peaceful and transformative message of love, faith, and hope in their communities.

2. The Power of Trusting in God

Within the verses of Lucas 10:1-12,17, we find a deeper understanding of the power of trusting in God. The text reminds us that when we embark on any mission or endeavor, we should rely on God's guidance and provision. It encourages us to let go of fear and doubt, placing our faith in God's ability to lead us on a path of righteousness.

3. Embracing Humility and Simplicity

The message conveyed in Lucas 10:1-12,17 emphasizes the value of humility and simplicity. It highlights the importance of approaching life with a humble heart, free from pride and arrogance. By embracing simplicity, we are called to let go of materialistic desires and focus on the true essence of faith, love, and service to others.

4. The Blessings of Receiving and Giving

Lucas 10:1-12,17 reminds us of the blessings that come from both receiving and giving. It teaches us that as we open our hearts to receive the teachings of God, His blessings abundantly flow into our lives. Additionally, it encourages us to extend our love and support to those in need, fostering a sense of community and compassion.

5. Overcoming Rejection with Resilience

Within the verses of Lucas 10:1-12,17, we discover the theme of overcoming rejection with resilience. It acknowledges that not everyone will accept the message of faith, but it encourages believers to persevere in the face of adversity. By staying steadfast in our convictions, we can inspire change and make a positive impact on those around us.

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If you are seeking a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to deepening their understanding of faith and beliefs, CityView Church Alvin welcomes you with open arms. Our vibrant church family is committed to creating an environment where you can explore the profound wisdom found within the scriptures and build lasting connections with others on a similar journey.

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CityView Church Alvin offers a wide range of programs and events catered to various age groups and interests. Our goal is to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, fellowship, and service. Join us today!

Community and Society - Faith and Beliefs

CityView Church Alvin falls under the category of Community and Society - Faith and Beliefs. We believe in the power of faith to positively impact communities, creating a sense of belonging and unity.


Lucas 10:1-12,17 holds invaluable insights into the teachings of Jesus, urging us to embrace peace, trust in God, practice humility, give and receive blessings, and overcome rejection with resilience. At CityView Church Alvin, we strive to embody these teachings and encourage our community to do the same, fostering a deep connection with faith and beliefs.

Jessica Wheeler
This passage is enlightening! 🙌
Oct 17, 2023
Maria Yordanova
Such a thought-provoking passage! 🙌 Unlocking the hidden gems of Lucas 10:1-12,17. Let's embark on this spiritual journey together. 👏
Oct 6, 2023