CityView Church Alvin - Luke 5:12-16

Jun 22, 2018

Introduction to Luke 5:12-16

Welcome to CityView Church Alvin, where we embrace the powerful teachings of Luke 5:12-16. In this scripture, Jesus heals a man with leprosy, demonstrating compassion, inclusivity, and the transformative power of faith.

A Community of Faith and Beliefs

At CityView Church Alvin, we are dedicated to fostering a strong community rooted in faith and beliefs. Our welcoming congregation comes together weekly to study and reflect upon the teachings of the Bible, with a particular focus on Luke 5:12-16.

Embracing Compassion

Luke 5:12-16 showcases Jesus' profound compassion and unconditional love for all individuals, regardless of their circumstances. At CityView Church, we strive to embody these values in our interactions and outreach initiatives. Through various programs and community service projects, we extend a helping hand to those in need, just as Jesus did.

Building an Inclusive Environment

Our belief in the teachings of Luke 5:12-16 reinforces our commitment to creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcomed and accepted. We embrace diversity and celebrate different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. CityView Church Alvin is a place where individuals can find solace, encouragement, and a sense of belonging.

Experiencing the Transformative Power of Faith

As reflected in Luke 5:12-16, faith has the power to transform lives. Through our engaging sermons, heartfelt worship, and meaningful fellowship, CityView Church Alvin provides a space for individuals to strengthen their faith and experience personal growth.

Sunday Gatherings

Every Sunday, we gather as a congregation to worship together, study the Word, and seek spiritual nourishment. Our passionate and dedicated pastors deliver sermons that delve deep into the teachings of the Bible, offering practical insights and guidance on how to apply them in our daily lives.

Small Groups and Bible Studies

In addition to our Sunday services, we offer various small groups and Bible studies tailored to different age groups and interests. These intimate settings provide opportunities for deeper discussions, personal connections, and further exploration of Luke 5:12-16 and other biblical passages.

Join our Community

CityView Church Alvin welcomes individuals from all walks of life to join our community. Whether you are seeking spiritual growth, looking for a supportive community, or simply curious about the teachings of Luke 5:12-16, we invite you to visit us.

Find Your Place

Discover your place within our community – a place where you can connect with others and explore your faith journey. CityView Church Alvin offers diverse ministries and programs tailored to different age groups and interests. From youth groups to community outreach initiatives, there is a place for everyone to get involved and make a positive impact.

Experience the Power of Worship

Our vibrant and uplifting worship services provide a space for individuals to connect with God and experience His presence. Through heartfelt music, passionate prayers, and inspiring messages, we invite you to join us in worshipping and celebrating the transformative power of faith.


CityView Church Alvin embraces the teachings of Luke 5:12-16, incorporating its core values of compassion, inclusivity, and transformative faith into our vibrant community. We invite you to join us as we journey together, supporting and encouraging one another in our pursuit of a meaningful and purposeful life.