Our Ministries - Calvary Pentecostal Church

Feb 7, 2019

Building a Stronger Community Through Faith and Beliefs

At CityView Church Alvin, we believe in the power of our ministries to transform lives and strengthen our community. Through our faith and beliefs, we strive to make a positive impact on people's lives and create a welcoming space for everyone seeking spiritual growth and support.

Empowering Youth for a Brighter Future

Our Youth Ministry program is designed to provide young individuals with a nurturing environment where they can develop their faith, build meaningful relationships, and discover their unique talents and passions. Through engaging activities, impactful teaching, and mentorship, we empower our youth to become leaders and make a difference in their communities.

Support for Families and Marriages

Family is at the heart of our church, and we prioritize creating a supportive and uplifting environment for families and marriages. Our Family Ministry offers a range of resources, counseling services, and initiatives aimed at enriching relationships, providing guidance, and fostering a strong sense of love and unity within families.

Engaging Worship and Music Ministry

Our Worship and Music Ministry seeks to create an atmosphere of heartfelt worship and connection with God. Through soul-stirring music, captivating performances, and inspiring worship services, we invite individuals to experience the presence of God and deepen their spiritual connection. Join us as we lift our voices and hearts in praise!

Reaching Out - Community Service and Outreach

As a church rooted in community and society, we are committed to reaching beyond our walls to serve and make a positive impact. Our Outreach Ministry organizes various community service initiatives, charitable projects, and partnerships aimed at addressing the needs of the less fortunate and spreading love and compassion throughout our city.

Adult Ministries - Nurturing Spiritual Growth

Our Adult Ministries provide opportunities for spiritual growth, fellowship, and discovery. From Bible study groups and prayer meetings to specialized courses and support groups, we offer a diverse range of options to cater to the unique needs and interests of adults at different stages of their faith journey.

Prayer and Intercession - Strengthening Our Faith

Prayer is a vital part of our church community. Our Prayer and Intercession Ministry seeks to create a powerful atmosphere of prayer, where individuals can come together to seek God's guidance, find comfort, express gratitude, and intercede for others. Whether through organized prayer gatherings or personal prayer time, we believe in the transformative power of prayer.

Senior Adult Ministry - Embracing Wisdom and Experience

Our Senior Adult Ministry honors and celebrates the wisdom, experience, and contribution of our senior members. Through meaningful social connections, engaging activities, support, and care, we strive to create a sense of belonging and purpose for our seniors. We acknowledge their unique journey and value the role they play in shaping our church community.

Missions and International Outreach

CityView Church Alvin is committed to global missions and international outreach. We actively support and participate in outreach programs and projects around the world, aiming to bring hope, love, and compassion to those in need. From mission trips to supporting missionary families, we strive to make a difference both locally and globally.

Join Us in Making a Difference

At CityView Church Alvin, our ministries are the heart of our community and reflect our commitment to living out our faith in tangible ways. We invite you to explore our diverse ministries, find your place of service and growth, and join us in making a lasting impact on the lives of individuals, families, and the community as a whole.

Douglas Cathcart
Impressed by how Calvary Pentecostal Church is equipping youth for a brighter future! Truly an inspiring and impactful ministry.
Nov 8, 2023
Yoann Lemoine
Great to see how Calvary Pentecostal Church is actively empowering our youth for a brighter future!
Oct 16, 2023