Serve Central GE - Grace Community Church

Feb 17, 2022

About Serve Central GE

Serve Central GE is a vital ministry within CityView Church Alvin, dedicated to serving the local community and promoting unity, connection, and compassion. As part of Grace Community Church, we strive to make a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and families in Alvin and its surrounding areas.

Our Mission

Our mission at Serve Central GE is to provide a central hub for individuals to actively engage in serving others, following the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. We believe that by serving our community, we can demonstrate God's love and positively influence lives.

Ministries and Opportunities

At Serve Central GE, we offer a diverse range of ministries and opportunities for individuals of all ages and backgrounds to get involved and make a difference:

1. Food Pantry Ministry

Our Food Pantry Ministry aims to alleviate hunger and provide nutrition to those in need. We collaborate with local organizations, businesses, and individuals to gather donations and distribute food to individuals and families facing food insecurity. Join us in making sure no one goes to bed hungry!

2. Community Outreach

With a heart for the community, our Community Outreach ministry organizes various programs to meet the needs of our neighbors. From organizing community events and educational workshops to assisting in disaster relief efforts, we are committed to serving those around us.

3. Youth Empowerment

We believe in empowering the next generation to reach their full potential. Our Youth Empowerment ministry provides mentoring, educational support, and recreational activities for youth in the community. By investing in the younger generation, we hope to inspire positive change and build a brighter future.

4. Senior Care

Our Senior Care ministry focuses on providing companionship and support to the elderly in our community. Through regular visits, assistance with daily tasks, and organizing social activities, we strive to enhance the well-being and quality of life for our senior citizens.

5. Prayer and Counseling

We understand the importance of spiritual and emotional support. Our Prayer and Counseling ministry offers a safe and confidential space where individuals can find comfort, guidance, and healing through prayer, counseling sessions, and support groups. We are here to listen and provide hope.

Join us in Serving Central GE

Whether you are looking to volunteer, offer your skills, or simply want to learn more about Serve Central GE opportunities at CityView Church Alvin, we invite you to connect with us. Together, we can make a positive difference in our community.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please reach out to us:

Thank you for your interest in Serve Central GE at CityView Church Alvin. We look forward to partnering with you in making a positive impact in our community!