Small Group Leaders at CityView Church Alvin

May 4, 2020


Welcome to the Small Group Leaders page of CityView Church Alvin! As a community-driven church, we believe in the power of connecting through small groups. Our small group leaders play a vital role in fostering strong relationships and spiritual growth within our congregation. Join us on this incredible journey of faith and become a small group leader today!

Why Become a Small Group Leader?

Becoming a small group leader at CityView Church Alvin offers a rewarding experience that goes beyond measure. As a leader, you have the opportunity to impact the lives of others, foster meaningful connections, and witness transformation firsthand. By opening your home and sharing your faith, you can create a safe and nurturing environment where individuals can grow spiritually and find support in their everyday lives.

Benefits of Leading a Small Group

Leading a small group provides numerous benefits, both personally and spiritually. Firstly, it allows you to form deep and lasting friendships with fellow members of the congregation. Through these connections, you will experience a sense of belonging and find support during life's ups and downs. Additionally, leading a small group enables you to develop your leadership and communication skills, empowering you to influence positive change and inspire others to embark on their own spiritual journeys.

1. Spiritual Growth

As a small group leader, you will witness remarkable spiritual growth not only in the lives of those you minister to but also in your own. Facilitating discussions, studying the Word of God together, and journeying through life's challenges as a group will deepen your relationship with Christ and provide valuable insights into the scriptures.

2. Meaningful Relationships

Small groups create a space for authentic and meaningful relationships to thrive. By leading a group, you will be able to connect with people on a personal level, understand their needs, and provide guidance and support when they need it the most. The friendships formed in small groups often extend beyond the group meetings, resulting in lasting bonds within the church community.

3. Impact Others

Small group leaders have the unique opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of others. By sharing your own experiences and knowledge, you can inspire individuals to grow in their faith and overcome challenges. Your leadership within the small group can help shape the spiritual journey of each member and guide them towards a closer relationship with God.

4. Serve the Community

Through small groups, we aim to extend our love and support to the wider community. As a small group leader, you have the chance to organize outreach activities, charitable events, and acts of service that promote unity and compassion. By serving the community together, you can collectively make a difference.

How to Become a Small Group Leader

At CityView Church Alvin, we encourage individuals who have a heart for leadershipto become small group leaders. If you are interested in taking up this responsibility, follow these steps:

Step 1: Attend our Small Group Leader Training

We offer comprehensive training sessions specifically designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead a small group effectively. These training sessions cover various topics including effective communication, leading discussions, and building a community that fosters growth.

Step 2: Connect with a Mentor

As a new small group leader, having a mentor can greatly assist you in navigating the responsibilities and challenges that come with leading a group. Our experienced leaders are committed to helping you succeed and will provide guidance and support throughout your journey.

Step 3: Choose the Focus of Your Small Group

Small groups can have various focuses, such as Bible study, prayer, marriage enrichment, and more. Decide on the primary focus and purpose of your small group, keeping in mind the interests and needs of the individuals you aim to serve.

Step 4: Start Your Small Group

Once you have completed the training, connected with a mentor, and determined your small group's focus, it's time to launch your small group! CityView Church Alvin will support you by providing resources, materials, and ongoing encouragement to ensure the success of your group.

Join Us Today

Becoming a small group leader is an enriching experience that allows you to make a profound impact on the lives of others, grow spiritually, and form lasting friendships within the CityView Church Alvin community. Are you ready to take the next step toward becoming a small group leader? Join us today and embark on a remarkable journey of faith!


If you have any questions or would like to get more information about becoming a small group leader, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our friendly staff at CityView Church Alvin will be more than happy to assist you.

Nandi Clement
This sounds like an amazing opportunity.
Nov 11, 2023