What We Believe

Sep 6, 2018

Our Faith and Beliefs

Welcome to the "What We Believe" page of CityView Church Alvin. As a community and society organization focused on faith and beliefs, we strive to share our core values, mission, and vision with our members and the broader community. In this section, we will dive deeper into our beliefs, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of our faith-based principles and practices.

Our Mission

At CityView Church Alvin, our mission is to create a nurturing environment that fosters spiritual growth, builds strong connections, and serves the broader community. We are committed to providing a place where people of all backgrounds can experience the love and grace of God, find purpose, and make a positive impact in the world.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a beacon of hope and inspiration in the Alvin community, transforming lives through the power of faith. We believe in creating a welcoming and inclusive space where individuals can find acceptance, encouragement, and support as they navigate their spiritual journey.

Core Values

  • Faith: We firmly adhere to the teachings of Jesus Christ, placing our trust and belief in Him as the foundation of our faith.
  • Love: We strive to love unconditionally, following Jesus' example by embracing all individuals and offering compassion and grace.
  • Community: We recognize the importance of community and aim to foster authentic relationships that provide support, accountability, and encouragement.
  • Service: We believe in actively serving others, both within our church and in the broader community. We seek to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those around us.
  • Growth: We are committed to continuous spiritual growth, encouraging individuals to deepen their relationship with God and pursue personal development.
  • Inclusivity: We welcome people from all walks of life, embracing diversity and promoting a culture of acceptance and respect.

Our Beliefs

As a Christian church, CityView Church Alvin embraces the following fundamental beliefs:

1. The Bible

We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, containing divine revelation and guiding principles for faith and life. It serves as our ultimate authority and source of truth.

2. The Trinity

We affirm our belief in the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We acknowledge that God exists eternally in three distinct persons who share the same nature, essence, and attributes.

3. Jesus Christ

We profess Jesus Christ as the Son of God, fully divine and fully human. We believe in His virgin birth, sinless life, sacrificial death on the cross, glorious resurrection, and imminent return.

4. Salvation

We teach that salvation is a gift from God, received through faith in Jesus Christ. It is by grace alone, not by our own efforts or good deeds, that we are reconciled to God and granted eternal life.

5. Holy Spirit

We acknowledge the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Trinity, who indwells believers, empowering them for Christian living, guiding them in truth, and equipping them with spiritual gifts.

6. Church

We believe in the universal church, composed of all believers, and the importance of active involvement in a local church community. We emphasize fellowship, discipleship, worship, and the observance of sacraments.

7. Resurrection and Judgment

We affirm the bodily resurrection of both the saved and the lost. Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior will be resurrected to eternal life, while those who have rejected Him will face eternal separation from God.

8. Social Responsibility

We recognize our responsibility to engage in acts of social justice, caring for the marginalized, promoting peace, and working towards positive societal transformation.

Join Our Community

If our beliefs resonate with you and you are passionate about growing in your faith while making a difference in the community, we invite you to join us at CityView Church Alvin. Together, we can further our mission and create a better world. We welcome individuals and families of all ages and backgrounds with open arms.

Feel free to explore the rest of our website to learn more about our ministries, events, and ways you can get involved. If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We look forward to connecting with you!

Laurie Bilger
Your beliefs are so inspiring! It's wonderful to know that you have a strong foundation. Keep spreading positivity!
Oct 14, 2023
Rick Bumpus
Thank you for sharing your beliefs! It's important to have a strong foundation. ✨
Oct 4, 2023