Episode 21 - Trace & Christa Hagler | Grace Community Church

Jul 23, 2023

Discover the Uplifting Journey of Faith and Beliefs

Welcome to Episode 21 of Grace Community Church's Trace & Christa Hagler! We invite you to embark on a remarkable journey into the world of faith and beliefs, guided by CityView Church Alvin. In this episode, you will be inspired by the unwavering devotion and passion that Trace and Christa Hagler demonstrate in their spiritual lives.

CityView Church Alvin is committed to fostering a community of believers who are constantly seeking spiritual growth and fulfillment. Our purpose is to provide a nurturing environment where individuals can deepen their relationship with God and find solace in a supportive faith-filled community.

Trace & Christa Hagler: A Beautiful Journey of Faith

The story of Trace and Christa Hagler is a testament to the transformative power of faith. Through their shared commitment to God, they have navigated life's challenges and found immense joy in their spiritual journey. Their unwavering devotion to each other and their relationship with God has become a guiding light for many individuals on their own spiritual paths.

CityView Church Alvin: Guiding You Toward Spiritual Growth

At CityView Church Alvin, we believe that everyone deserves an opportunity to experience the profound peace and fulfillment that comes from a deep connection with God. Our dedicated team of pastors, mentors, and community members is here to support and guide you every step of the way. Through our various programs, services, and heartfelt worship, we aim to create an environment where you can explore your faith, ask questions, and find inspiration.

Immerse Yourself in a Vibrant Faith Community

CityView Church Alvin offers a vibrant and inclusive atmosphere where individuals from all walks of life can come together in celebration of their shared faith. Our engaging community events, Bible study groups, and outreach initiatives provide ample opportunities for you to connect with fellow believers, share experiences, and foster lifelong friendships.

Embrace the Power of Worship

Worship is a cornerstone of our faith, and at CityView Church Alvin, we strive to create transformative worship experiences that uplift the soul and ignite the spirit. Through powerful sermons, heartfelt prayers, and inspiring music, our worship services provide a platform for you to connect deeply with God and find strength in His presence.

Join CityView Church Alvin Today

If you are searching for a faith community that embraces you as you are and empowers you to become the best version of yourself, we invite you to join us at CityView Church Alvin. Experience a warm, welcoming environment where your spiritual journey can flourish, and your relationship with God can be deepened.

CityView Church Alvin welcomes individuals of all backgrounds, ages, and walks of life. We believe that everyone has a unique and valuable contribution to make to our faith community. Discover the support, guidance, and love that awaits you at CityView Church Alvin – a place where your faith can grow, miracles can happen, and lives can be transformed.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, or if you would like to learn more about CityView Church Alvin and the services we offer, we would love to hear from you. Please don't hesitate to reach out to our friendly team. We look forward to accompanying you on your spiritual journey!

Christopher Sitton
I was deeply moved by Trace and Christa Hagler's journey of faith. 🙏❤️
Oct 11, 2023