Volunteer at Bethesda Health Clinic

Jul 22, 2020

Join CityView Church Alvin in Making a Positive Impact

Are you looking for an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those in need? Consider becoming a volunteer at Bethesda Health Clinic. As a valued member of CityView Church Alvin, you have the chance to contribute to our community and provide crucial support to individuals who require medical services but lack access to affordable healthcare.

The Importance of Volunteerism

In the category of Community and Society - Faith and Beliefs, volunteering holds a special place. At CityView Church Alvin, we understand that serving others is an integral part of our faith and a way to demonstrate compassion for our neighbors. By partnering with Bethesda Health Clinic, we can extend our reach even further and positively impact the lives of those in need.

What Makes Bethesda Health Clinic Unique

Bethesda Health Clinic stands out as a leading healthcare facility that provides free medical and dental care to income-qualified individuals in the community. The clinic operates with the noble goal of ensuring that no one is denied access to crucial healthcare services due to financial constraints.

Through our collaborative efforts as volunteers at Bethesda Health Clinic, we can bridge the gap between the underserved population and the healthcare they urgently require. Whether you have expertise in medical or dental fields, or simply have a passion for helping others in need, there are various opportunities for you to contribute your skills and time.

Volunteer Roles and Opportunities

At Bethesda Health Clinic, we offer a variety of volunteer roles to match your skills and interests. Join us in the following areas:

  • Medical Staff: Licensed healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, medical assistants) who provide direct patient care, diagnosis, and treatment.
  • Dental Staff: Dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants who offer dental care and oral health services.
  • Administrative Support: Assist with paperwork, appointment scheduling, patient registration, and general administrative tasks.
  • Interpretation Services: Help bridge the language barrier by offering interpretation services to patients who require assistance.
  • Community Outreach: Engage in community events, fundraisers, and awareness campaigns to promote the clinic's mission and attract potential patients.

Benefits of Volunteering

By joining CityView Church Alvin as a volunteer at Bethesda Health Clinic, you'll experience a range of benefits:

  • Personal Fulfillment: Experience the joy of making a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable individuals.
  • Professional Development: Enhance your skills, gain valuable experience, and broaden your network within the healthcare industry.
  • Community Engagement: Develop a deeper connection with the community and contribute to its overall well-being.
  • Spiritual Growth: Deepen your faith through service and witnessing the transformative power of compassion and care.

How to Get Involved

Getting involved as a volunteer at Bethesda Health Clinic is easy. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Visit the CityView Church Alvin website and navigate to the "Get Involved" section.
  2. Click on the "Volunteer at Bethesda Health Clinic" link.
  3. Fill out the volunteer application form, providing your contact information and preferred roles.
  4. Our team will review your application and get in touch with you to discuss available opportunities.
  5. Attend an orientation session to learn more about Bethesda Health Clinic's mission, values, and specific volunteer requirements.
  6. Start making a positive impact as a volunteer!


As a volunteer at Bethesda Health Clinic through CityView Church Alvin, you have the incredible opportunity to contribute to the well-being of individuals who otherwise might not have access to vital healthcare services. By leveraging our collective skills and resources, we can make a tangible difference in our community and demonstrate the compassion at the core of our faith.

Join us today and become a valued member of our volunteer team. Together, we can transform lives and create a healthier, more inclusive future for all.

Aaron Schreur
Can't wait to be part of this amazing team!
Nov 8, 2023
Chris Davis
Great initiative! 👏🙌
Oct 10, 2023